
Resources and Facilities

At Regent Nursery, we believe that a bright, inviting, busy and exciting environment with lots to look at, play with, learn from and investigate is key to a child’s development. This is why we have developed the nursery to be a setting that children look forward to visiting and one that will stimulate their progression.

Regent Nursery Harrow offers six play areas for children plus a large outdoor area. The environment is set out to encourage self choice and independence. We ensure that resources and equipment are age appropriate for the children and will enhance their skills. All our rooms are dual purpose, meaning that multiple learning activities can be carried out there, to ensure that we meet the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements.


Ladybird Room

  • This room gives children the opportunity to use construction materials and to build their own models.
  • The Maths area invites children to learn and explore numbers.
  • The literacy corner encourages the children to investigate letters and learn how to use writing materials.

Bumblebee Room

  • This room is used for musical activities and physical activities when the garden is out of use due to adverse weather conditions.
  • The children are encouraged to exercise daily and move around whilst undertaking activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Conservatory

  • This area is mainly used as our dining space for breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks.
  • We also use this area for cooking activities and the children make snacks for the nursery.
  • This area also contains a book area and children are encouraged to look at books daily.

Outdoor Area

  • We have a large, secure outdoor area equipped with a slide, sand play, digging and gardening area and painting area, which we generally use daily.
  • It enables us to employ the nursery curriculum inside and out.
  • The children can exercise and gain confidence with their balance and co-ordination.
  • The children develop skills in interaction and negotiation and are encouraged to use their imagination.

Butterfly Room

  • This is where children can create using a variety of media.
  • The room offers self help furniture, which encourages the children to choose what resources they wish to use to create their masterpiece.

Sensorial Room

  • This room is designed for small group work.
  • The children make use of all of their senses when using this room.

Caterpillar Room

  • This room is where children use their imagination.
  • We have a role play area, a small world play area and another reading area.
  • Children can create different scenarios using the equipment.

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